PlayFair Coalition Call for Investment in Our Parks

As a proud member of the PlayFair coalition, we joined our friends from New Yorkers for Parks to call for investment in our parks. We need accountability, transparency, investment, and oversight for our green spaces. They are the heart of our city, but they need more love. Unionized laborers, when awarded the opportunity to work on NYC Parks capital projects, bring years of skilled training to the job, helping to complete the work on budget and in a timely and safe manner. It's time to invest more in our parks! Let's ensure our communities have safe, vibrant places to play, relax, and connect.

Council Member Shekar Krishnan District Council 37, AFSCME Councilmember Chi Ossé Lincoln Restler New York State Laborers' Organizing Fund New York City Department of Parks & Recreation

New York City Council

#playfair #1Percent4Parks #UnionStrong

Carla Loscalzo